Ben Carson

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 05.06.20

An attorney who shook his butt at an adversary during a mediation has avoided court sanctions. Maybe the lawyer was just showing off some dance moves? [Texas Lawyer] * The New York Attorney General's Office is questioning officials at NBC over sexual harassment allegations. [New York Daily News] * HUD has agreed to pay $17,800 to settle a lawsuit about records relating to Ben Carson's bible study. [Fox News] * Adam Neumann, the founder of WeWork, is suing SoftBank for allegedly backing out of a deal to buy stock from Neumann and other shareholders. [New York Times] * A woman who was arrested because her cotton candy mistakenly tested positive for meth has recovered no damages. The officers must have watched a little too much Breaking Bad. [Atlanta Journal Constitution]


Non-Sequiturs: 1.12.17

* What will law students (or anyone in need of hazelnut deliciousness) do without Nutella? [Law and More] * Elizabeth Warren is getting a lot of attention for blasting Ben Carson during his HUD confirmation hearing, but was it really necessary? [Wonkette] * Little Marco is proving his worth. [Slate] * There's a legal fight brewing over mermaid tail blankets. [The Fashion Law] * It's like your mom said in high school: nothing good happens after midnight on a weeknight. [Huffington Post] * The need for precision in your negotiations. [Katz Justice] * Law schools are struggling to teach professionalism. [TaxProf Blog]


Non-Sequiturs: 11.24.15

* Sometimes lawyers really can do good work. Let's try and remember that this Thanksgiving. [Guile is Good] * More people against marriage equality are blatantly disregarding the law. [Slate] * Honestly, does this sh*t even surprise you anymore? Ben Carson doesn't know much about who actually wrote the Constitution. [Talking Points Memo] * Score 1 for the First Amendment and the good folks at Cartoon Network. [Gawker] * Does mass surveillance even work to stop terrorism? [Pacific Standard] * How much should your law firm spend on marketing? [Law Reboot]